Today we’re continuing our discussion about a crucial aspect of your photography business – The PR of Photography – Part 2. This is part 2 of our quick two-part series, so if you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, be sure to go back and check it out! In this post, we’re focusing on the power of email marketing to get booked as a high school senior photographer. 

Email marketing is a tool that is often overlooked. it’s possible that as a photographer yourself, you’re neglecting email marketing for your own business because you might not believe it’s worth your time, and it can be a benefit to your business. In an age of social media dominance, email may seem old-school, but it remains a direct and personal way to connect with your audience. 

But social media marketing is also crucial to the marketing aspect of your business, especially as a high school senior photographer! Social media marketing can feel intimidating, but I promise you, it doesn’t have to be!

That’s why today, I’m giving you six key strategies that you can implement through both email marketing and social media marketing to ensure you’re getting booked as a high school senior photographer. I hope this episode, The PR of Photography – Part 2, leaves you feeling more confident about marketing your business and engaging with your past, present, and future clients through email and social media. So, let’s jump in!

The PR of Photography – Part 2

3 Email Marketing Strategies

Strategy #1: Build a Captivating Email List

Having a solid email list is like having a group of loyal fans who are genuinely interested in your work. But how do you build this list? You can start by creating a stunning lead magnet. In exchange for their email address, potential clients can receive valuable insights into your senior photography process, and you get a new contact.

Imagine this: a potential client stumbles upon your website or social media page, intrigued by your stunning senior photography. They’re interested but need that extra nudge to take the next step. This is where a compelling lead magnet becomes your secret weapon.

First, you want to try to understand your audience. Before crafting your lead magnet, take the time to understand your target audience. What are their pain points, concerns, or desires when it comes to senior photography? Tailor your lead magnet to address these specific needs.

Second, offer exclusive value to your potential clients. Consider providing exclusive content that goes beyond the standard. It could be a beautifully designed style guide featuring the latest trends in senior photos, insider tips for a stress-free photoshoot, or even a behind-the-scenes video showcasing your sessions.

And third, be sure that you have a clear call to action. When promoting your lead magnet, provide a clear and compelling call to action. Let potential clients know what they’ll gain by exchanging their email. Use language that emphasizes the value they’re about to receive and how it will enhance their senior photography experience.

So, there you have it – the first step in creating a captivating email list. Once you’ve piqued their interest with a stunning lead magnet, you’ve laid the foundation for meaningful connections to turn potential clients into loyal fans.

Strategy #2: Craft a Compelling Email Campaign

Once you have an audience of emails, it’s time to engage this audience with well-crafted email campaigns. When creating email campaigns, there are three things you’ll want to keep in mind:

First, you’ll want to segment your audience. Separate your contacts into groups based on where they are in their senior year. Whether it’s early planning or last-minute bookings, personalized emails will resonate better with each segment of your audience.

Second, tell stories through your emails. You can share success stories, client testimonials, and even more about your journey to becoming a high school senior photographer. Creating a connection through storytelling humanizes you and helps potential clients envision their own experience with you.

And third, create urgency through the use of limited-time offers. Encourage action by incorporating limited-time promotions or exclusive deals. Adding a sense of urgency can drive potential clients to book before they miss out on a great opportunity.

Strategy #3: Nurture Long-Term Relationships

Getting booked as a senior photographer is fantastic, but building lasting relationships ensures repeat business and referrals for future clients. Here are three ways that you can nurture long-term relationships with your clients:

First, send your clients personalized follow-up emails. After a session is complete, send them a personalized thank you email. In this email, you could include sneak peeks and express your gratitude for choosing you as their senior photographer. Sending a follow-up email within 24-48 hours of your photoshoot is a small gesture that can go a long way.

Second, ask your clients for reviews. Once the session is over, kindly request feedback and reviews. Positive testimonials act as powerful social proof, influencing potential clients to choose you for their senior photos.

And third, stay engaged with your clients by providing regular updates. Keep your audience engaged with regular newsletters, updates, and exclusive content. Staying top-of-mind among your clients increases the likelihood that they’ll choose you for future photography needs, or refer you to potential clients.

3 Social Media Marketing Strategies

Strategy #1: Define Your Brand Persona

Now let’s shift gears and dive into three key strategies that you can implement through social media marketing to ensure you’re getting booked as a high school senior photographer.

Your brand persona is essentially the personality of your business. It’s the tone, style, and values that make you stand out. When it comes to high school senior photography, it’s not just about taking stunning photos; it’s about capturing the essence of this exciting and transformative time in a teenager’s life.

So, consider the message you want to convey through your photos and posts when you start to plan what you might post to promote your business. Are you the photographer who captures the raw, candid moments? Or perhaps you focus on creating dreamy, editorial-style images? Whatever your style, make sure it’s consistent across all your social media platforms!

And don’t forget – let your personality shine through! High school seniors and their parents want to work with someone who not only has the technical skills but also understands the importance of making the photoshoot an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Strategy #2: Engage Your Audience

Social media is not only a one-way street. But instead, it’s a conversation. 

As a photographer, you can engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your photography process. The more you interact on social media, the more your audience will feel connected to you!

To increase your engagement on your social media platforms, consider running polls or Q&A sessions to involve your followers in your creative process. This not only builds a sense of community but also increases the visibility of your content, making it more likely that potential clients will come across your profile.

Remember, engagement is not just about quantity; it’s about quality. Be sure to respond thoughtfully, and show genuine interest in your audience. This will not only boost your online presence but also contribute to building a positive reputation for your photography business.

Strategy #3: Showcase Your Expertise With Educational Content

While showcasing your stunning senior portraits is essential, don’t underestimate the power of educational content. Use your social media platforms to share tips and insights about preparing for a senior photo shoot, choosing the right outfits, or even going behind the scenes in the photography editing process.

By positioning yourself as an expert, you not only provide value to your audience but also build trust. When potential clients see that you not only create beautiful images but also share your knowledge, they’re more likely to choose you as their senior photographer.

Consider creating short video tutorials, blog posts, or even Instagram carousels that offer practical advice. This not only sets you apart from other photographers but also establishes you as a go-to resource for all things senior photography.

The PR of Photography – Part 2

And there you have it – The PR of Photography – Part 2! When it comes to email marketing, building a captivating email list, crafting a compelling email campaign, and nurturing long-term relationships through email are all powerful tools in your marketing toolkit. When it comes to social media PR, defining your brand persona, engaging your audience, and showcasing your expertise through educational content are powerful tools in your pocket. Remember, building a successful high school senior photography business is not only about getting booked, but it’s about creating a community of satisfied clients that only grows over time.

The PR of Photography – Part 2


heck, yes i do!

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