How can you take a set of Antlers and incorporate them into a Senior Photo Shoot?  Well, Shannon Sewell can show you how!  Her amazing sense of style and her incredible creativity, makes her one of the most inspirational photographers I’ve ever seen!  She can literally take anything and incorporate it into a photo shoot and make it seem effortless and perfectly placed!

Check out what she had to say about this edgy and fun senior photo session….

What was your inspiration for this photo shoot? I’ve photographed this client before so I knew her personality.  She is totally comfortable in front of the camera and has a great energy.  She’s also got a really cute style and is always up for anything.  So I wanted to do something a little more catalog or fashion-edged for her.  




Where did this photo shoot take place? In the studio I share in Portland.

Did you collaborate with this senior to come up with clothing in this session? She really left everything in my hands.  That is why I looooove repeat clients! 🙂

What camera, lens and equipment were used for this session?  I used my Canon 5D Mark II and shot with my 85mm and 35 mm lenses.

What time of day was this shot? Late afternoon.  The nice thing about studio shooting is that you can do it in all lighting conditions!

Were there any special post processing techniques used on these photos?  No.  I always use the same post-processing techniques.  I use Nichole V’s Flourish color pop action on everything.  

What is your favorite thing about these photos? I love all the variety we got shooting in one room…just throwing some fun props on the wall totally changes the look and feel, and we only had to walk a couple of feet at most!




What do you want to convey about this senior and your photography with this session?  I like having a fashion edge to all of my work!  I wanted her to look like she could just as easily have stepped out of an Urban Outfitters catalog as been posing for her senior portraits! 

What is one tip you can share with other senior photographers? This is usually the one time that people get a session that is all about them.  I think it is so important to get to know the client and take it to a level that they wouldn’t expect out of a ‘normal’ photo shoot.  Make them shine!


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  1. Lydia says:

    Love this! So fun and out of the box!

heck, yes i do!

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