
Its a big day over at Seniorologie!!  Our big conference, Conference 12, is open for registration!!  We are heading to Miami this October with 12 speakers who will share with open hearts their knowledge in order to help attendees grow their senior portrait business!  This conference is like no other…we become a family after 4 days full of classes, photo shoots and more!!

We have so much planned this year including fun things that past alumni have suggested to make Conference 12 even better than last year!  I think one of the biggest compliments we receive is when alumni (not one but many!) come back to an event!  And Conference 12 Miami has so many alumni returning that I can’t wait to see their faces and give them a big hug!!

If you are looking for a conference that will not only give you the knowledge to help grow your business but also give you a family of supportive sisters and brothers who will be just as excited as you when your business grows, then Conference 12 is for you!!!

Check out our wonderful line up of speakers as well as a sample schedule below!  And if you are looking to join us, visit to register today!!  Over half of the spots have already been sold and we want YOU to grab one while you can!!  See you in Miami!!



Conference 12 – Registration is LIVE!

  1. Kelly says:

    oh how I will miss all you ladies this year. So sad I can’t make it. Next year for sure! If you haven’t registered and you can I would do it. It’s an amazing experience and the leaders are all amazing people. You will learn so much and walk away with some amazing friendships.

heck, yes i do!

You, want in?

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