When it comes to being a senior photographer, there’s undoubtedly a few things we have to do well. Posing and helping our clients pose is certainly at the top of that list. Seniors want to feel confident and like they know what they’re doing when they come in for their portraits, so it’s important that we can make them feel that way! I’ve always been a firm believer in the idea that the more we can explain, show, and tell them, the more confident everyone will be. One of my favorite ways to approach posing is by mirroring poses to my seniors. So today, I’m going to share some easy posing tips for senior portrait photographers so that you’re comfortable mirroring poses for your seniors, too! 

When I say “mirroring poses”, I literally mean that you’re demonstrating exactly what to do for your clients. This allows your seniors to see what you mean and are trying to tell them! You can see this in action HERE. Now, onto the tips… 

Practice in a mirror.

Yep. It sounds easy, but it’s the truth! You have to be able to do the poses you want your seniors to do! Practicing in a mirror helps you understand what the pose looks and feels like. This makes it much easier to explain and coach your seniors into the right positions. 

Break down the pose.

While you’re mirroring the pose for a client, break the pose down into smaller bits. When you’re explaining it, start with their feet. Then maybe their hands. Then onto the expression you want. Smaller chunks of direction are easier to digest and process! This will lead to less frustration on everyone’s part! 

Encourage them!

Everyone feels awkward in front of the camera. It’s a fact of life! So, don’t forget to encourage your clients as they’re working through the pose. If you want them to adjust something, mention it! They want their photos to look good and are trusting you to make sure that happens. Be there for them and help them understand what they’re doing well (or what they’re not!). 

What about moving poses?

Something I’m asked A LOT is how to incorporate poses with movements? Many photographers will ask how to prompt their clients but also how to make sure the images come out clearly and in focus. My biggest tip for moving poses is to repeat them at least twice, while letting your client know that you’re just taking extra shots to make sure they’re perfect. Some of my favorite moving poses include walking, twirling with a dress and swaying slightly side to side. 

If you want more tips on poses with movement, make sure you check out the new Senior Posing Academy! I have so many great tips for posing ideas, how to pose clients, and how to get confident with your posing options. Click HERE to learn more about the Senior Posing Academy. 

A bonus tip!

While it’s easy to overshoot and overshare final images, I want to encourage you to remember that the more work you do at the session, the more you have to do after the session. Time is money so don’t give away too many images. Set a limit per pose or outfit, only shoot on one memory card and remember that you don’t have to repeat every pose in every outfit! Some outfits will help dictate your posing and it’s okay to follow that – and only that. And, if something isn’t working… move on! You don’t have to make every pose work perfectly every time. It’s okay to try something new.

Posing Tips for Senior Portrait Photographers from senior portrait photographer Leslie Kerrigan on the Seniorologie Podcast

Need help with posing?

I have a brand new course called The Senior Posing Academy (to be released soon)! This course will teach you the importance of posing, the entire posing formula and show you exactly how this formula works on senior sessions! If you are interested in being the first to know when this course is available, be sure to go to the waitlist and add your name so you’ll be the first to know (and get a special discount). And don’t forget to grab my FREE Posing Guide, 1 Pose 50 Ways.

Stay in touch!

Are you a member of the free Seniorologie Community on Facebook?  If not, I would love to have you join to continue this conversation and many more!  The Seniorologie Community is a great place to get to know other senior photographers, share your wins, ask advice and much more!  To join, click HERE!

Have we connected on Instagram?  If not, I would love to get to know you!  Come say hello and send me a DM so I can thank you for listening to The Seniorologie Podcast!

Seniorologie’s Instagram & Leslie’s Instagram

Need help with your senior photography business?  I’ve put together lots of FREE resources to help you in your business!  You can have access to these awesome free resources HERE!

Posing Tips for Senior Portrait Photographers from senior portrait photographer Leslie Kerrigan on the Seniorologie Podcast

Podcast Rewind: Posing Tips for Senior Portrait Photographers


heck, yes i do!

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