For those of you that may have missed the FREE Seniorologie Webinar on Rep Programs, I thought I would replay it!  We talked a lot about different things that each of us do to make a rep program work and there were some awesome tips on making your rep program fun!!  Misti Davis, Kelly Klatt, Meg Sexton, Casey Rose and I talked about our individual programs as well as answer questions submitted by Seniorologie readers!  So grab a cup of coffee, a notebook and pen and enjoy!!

If there are more questions you have regarding Rep Programs or other topics you would like to see covered in Webinars, let me know in the comment section below!  I am planning many more webinars and would love to hear from you on which topics you would be interested in!!

Click on the link and enjoy!!  Seniorologie Rep Program Webinar



Rep Program Webinar – {Replay}

  1. Catie says:

    Hi Leslie! Thanks so much for providing the replay! Did the link expire? I tried to get it to play yesterday, but it didn’t work for me. I was going to try again today with a different browser, but it looks like the link doesn’t work anymore. Any suggestions how to fix it? Thanks so much!!! 🙂

    • Leslie says:

      It apparently does not work on a mac and that is the only kind of computer I have. So I am trying to type out all we talked about so everyone can at least read it! I hope to get it up on the blog this weekend!! Thanks so much!

  2. Jenny Sawyer says:


    I have to tell you that your blog has been so influencial in inspiring me and giving me the courage to go for my goals. Thank you so much! I would LOVE to hear this webinar but can’t get it to work. 🙁 Any way you can look into it? Thanks.

    • Leslie says:

      I figured out why it hasn’t been working…apparently webinar does not work with apple! 🙁 I only have an apple so as of right now there is no way for me to convert the audio to share. However, I am trying to write down everything that was mentioned and make a blog post out of it so you can all read the information! Look for that soon! Thank you for your kind words regarding the blog!! 🙂

heck, yes i do!

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