This post is coming to you a little late today due to a sick child! 🙁  My little boy has walking pnuemonia, poor thing! 🙁  Now that he is home from the doctor, I can post!  Thanks for being patient.

Today I would like to share some of the awesome photos and reviews from some of the wonderful attendees we had join us in Texas for The Seniorologie Tour.  Every one of the ladies that joined us were so awesome, eager to learn and fun to hang out with!!  I will be sure to post more from the attendees over the next few days, but for now enjoy these awesome pics!!

All clothing was provided by Altar’d State and hair and makeup was provided by Donna of Makeup by Donna.  Big thanks to everyone!!

Kim Rollwitz of Kim Rollwitz Photography

“I signed up for Seniorologie Texas way back in the summer. As the date got closer not only did I feel the excitement of a new experience, but I also began to feel very nervous and apprehensive. I began to question whether I would be good enough, and since I was going by myself, I worried about meeting new people and how I would fit in. All of my worries were laid to rest from the moment I walked in to the BEAUTIFUL hotel that was chosen for our experience and began meeting the other attendees. I never again questioned my decision to attend Seniorologie when I opened the door to the first meeting and a very exuberant Leslie greeted me with a big hug like she had known me forever. I was totally put at ease and from that moment on relished every learning experience and bit of knowledge I gained not only from Leslie and the other fabulous speakers she lined up for us, but the other attendees. Each one of these amazing ladies brought their own unique style, and experiences to the table. We were all so different yet so much the same in our quest to take our business to the next level and to soak up every bit of the experience we could.  Not once did I feel like less of a person or photographer because I am a little older than the average new photographer and maybe not as cool and “hip”! Leslie, Amii, Tara and Courtney were so willing to open up and share their wonderful knowledge and experience. Not to mention they are the coolest, most fun, ladies ever and just being in the presence of everyone I met made me smile and feel rejuvenated. I already feel more confidant, not only as a photographer and business owner, but as a person. I am so ready to see where my journey takes me. I know I’ll make mistakes along the way, but I know now, I have a network of new friends and supporters to encourage me along the way. Thanks Leslie and Team!! You guys really are the BEST!!!”

Carrie Pendleton of Pendleton Photography

“As soon as I heard there was an opportunity to train with Seniorologie, I registered. I was very excited because I knew that the knowledge I would receive would be tremendously beneficial to my business. With a recent move and the decision to rebrand myself directly toward the senior market, I knew that the few days in Dallas would prepare me for this transition. Once I arrived and started conversing with other photographers I was thrilled to find that they were very open to discussion and were also willing to teach me without looking at me as competition. This has always been a wall I faced in the past. The speakers were amazing, and the information they shared really allowed me to step back and look at my business goals as a whole. They gave me tools that will not only better my skills as a photographer but also equip me to take my career to a whole other level. The Seniorologie Tour gave me confidence in my work that I could have not found anywhere else. Those that shared their knowledge will forever be appreciated. The entire experience was exactly what I needed. I not only came back with an excitement to get started with my new business plan, but I also found that I had made some great friends that I will continue to keep in touch with. I value that I now have a support system with other encouraging photographers in this amazing community. Thank you Seniorologie! I can’t wait to attend the next workshop!”

Scenes from Seniorologie Tour Texas – {Attendee Reviews & Pics}

  1. Amii says:

    Gorgeous images, Kim and Carrie!! It was so nice meeting both of you at Seniorologie!

heck, yes i do!

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