Having a senior show you some inspirational photos can really help you get a sense of what the senior wants and allow you to plan the perfect photo session for that client.

“I was shown a photo of a girl sitting on a fallen tree in the woods and that is what I used for inspiration for this shoot,” said Aurora Heitman of Pearly Hens Photography.

Check out this shoot below and read what else Aurora had to say about it.  Thanks for sharing your work with Seniorologie!!

Website:  www.pearlyhensphotography.com

Blog:  www.pearlyhensphotography.com/blog

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/pearlyhensphotography


What was your inspiration for this photo shoot?
I was shown a photo of a girl sitting on a fallen tree in the woods.

Where did this photo shoot take place?
We went to a local preserve here in Napa and to a private estate with a pond and willow tree

Did you collaborate with this senior to come up with the clothing and/or concept for this shoot?
Yes, we talked about different outfits that would fit her personality and to have her makeup to be clean and hair to be full and natural.

What camera, lens or other equipment was used for this shoot?
Nikon d800, 85 mm 2.8

What time of day were these taken?
between 4:30-6:30 PM in September

Can you share any post-processing techniques used when editing this session?
Mainly LR, cleaning it a bit and brighten it

What is your favorite thing about this session?
My favorite photos are of her in a her graduation gown and the look on her face when she realized that its actually going to happen and that she is going to graduate. It was just a fun session.

What do you want this session to convey about this senior and about your senior photography style?
I want to convey that this young persons last year in high school, time to reflect on what got them there and to dream and enjoy the future to come. To also have fun in the moment.

What is one tip you can share with other photographers regarding photographing seniors?
Get to know the senior, ask them about their future and their dreams, and how they are feeling about their last year in high school. I feel like they are much more relaxed and can give genuine smiles and laughter to be captured.


Senior Inspiration – {Pearly Hens Photography}


heck, yes i do!

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