When I first read the concept of this shoot, I have to admit, I had no idea who it was based on! 🙂  But I immediately went to google and found out exactly what the theme was based on.  Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the United States, representing the American women who worked in factories during World War II.  Rosie is used as a symbol feminism and women’s economic power.

After reading about Rosie, I am certain that this senior is a great representation of this character!  I love that she came up with this concept herself and Rachel Brenke of Rachel Brenke Photography, did an excellent job of helping this senior’s vision come to life!!

Check out what Rachel had to say about this shoot below and click here to see more of Rachel’s work!  Thanks for sharing Rachel!

What was your theme/concept for this session?  Reminiscent of Rosie the Riverter for a portion and Classic, Sweet for the other portion of the session.

How did you come up with this concept?  The senior actually did!  Graciela is a classic beauty with such great fashion sense so I deferred to her sense of style.

Where did this photo shoot take place?  Old Town Fredericksburg, Virginia

Did you collaborate with this senior to come up with the clothing and/or concept for this shoot?  We collaborated on the classic feel but the idea for Rosie was all hers!

What camera, lens and equipment were used for this shoot?  Nikon D90, Nikon 85mm 1.8 and Natural light!

What time of day were these taken?  9:30 in the morning at the early onset of summer for best lighting

Can you share any post-processing techniques used when editing this session?  Basic processing to enhance her physical features included warming filters to give a summery feel.

What is your favorite thing about this session?  The natural classic beauty that was given without heroic measures of makeup or post-processing

What do you want this session to convey about this senior and about your senior photography style?  The main thing I want this session to speak to is how fashionable senior sessions can be without requiring extensive hair and makeup artists.  Showcasing natural beauty and fashion sense of the senior was the primary goal.

What is one tip you can share with other photographers regarding photographing seniors?  Using effective marketing techniques that speak to who you are as a photographer will attract like-spirited seniors.  The combination of the two will result in a fantastic product and long client relationship.


Senior Inspiration – {Rachel Brenke Photography}

  1. Dolores says:

    My daughter was used a Patroitic Ad Campaign for our state election commission. I dressed my daughter up for Rosie and she was a showcase for the state meetings.

  2. Sarah J says:

    You rocked it Rachel! What a beautiful girl!

  3. Graciela says:

    I love this thank you Rachel!! You were so much fun to hang out with and a great photographer!!

heck, yes i do!

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