The first time I visited the WPPI Conference, I was overwhelmed with excitement and green with eagerness to learn!  I had no idea what to expect.  I was in for a week of Vegas fun, unlimited photographers to chat with (and I love to chat) and a few “celebrity” sightings.  I left with a head full of ideas and a head that was frankly not big enough to hold all the info!

Fast forward a few years, and I am overwhelmed again.  This time overwhelmed with gratefulness that I have the opportunity to teach a class at a conference that really started it all for me!  WPPI, for me, has always been about reenergizing and refocusing my business for the new year.  It has always given me a push at the beginning of each year to make that year better for my business.  It has given me a jolt to go home and get busy….busy with new ideas and new plans!

So this year, three weeks from now to be exact, I will be heading to Vegas for my third year at WPPI.  I am excited but also nervous.  I am busy preparing my presentation for y’all and honestly just hoping that the supporters of Seniorologie are there, sitting in those chairs, so I have some familiar, friendly faces to look at as I talk.  I hope to help give each of you the jolt, kick or push you need this year to build the senior portrait business that is perfect for YOU.

Picking and choosing classes and trying to fit it all in is hard, but know that no matter what class you attend, you will learn something!  Waiting in lines for the classes and chatting with the photographer next to you is an opportunity to learn.  Heck, I actually learned something the first year standing in the bathroom chatting with the other ladies!  Just be open to it all, soak it in and have fun!

Seniorologie’s class will be on Thursday, March 14 at 9 a.m. and I would love for you to join me as I talk about the study of high school senior portrait photography.  I will be sharing tips on building YOUR senior portrait business and how to make it work for YOU.  I would love to include some of your questions, so if you are going to Vegas, leave a comment below with a question for me.  I will be choosing some of these questions to answer during the class and would love to give you a shout out!

And if you are looking for other classes to attend, be sure to check out some of my favorite photographers’ classes below!  See you in Vegas, baby!

Beth Forester – Seniors: Show Me the Money

Sarah Petty – Building Your Dream Business

Jamie Schultz – Transform Your Portrait Business

Justin & Mary Marantz – The Bottom Line

Blair Phillips – Absolute Refusal to Blend In: Senior Photography that Rocks

Seniorologie at WPPI!!

  1. Beth Forester literally made me open up my eyes and see that I was the one in control of how much money I was making. Make sure to make it to her lecture! Looking forward to the shootout and hopefully I’ll make it on Monday night as well! <3's

heck, yes i do!

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