Moving to a new location and starting your business all over again seems like a daunting task, especially when you have a thriving business in the location you have to leave.  But if you can hire an associate photographer and keep that thriving business going, moving seems a little less stressful.

Today’s topic is Associate Photographers.  There are several successful senior photographers making this concept work in their business and today’s guest blogger is one of those successful photographers.  Claire Anderson of Clara Bella Photography shares below how she makes the associate photographer concept work for her business by having someone in Texas while she herself moved and continued her business in LA.  Thanks for sharing this important topic with Seniorologie Claire!!

If I’m being 100% honest this topic would have probably been the absolute furthest thing from my mind if my circumstances had been different. As I’m sure most of you can agree, your photography business is your “baby”. However, hiring an associate photographer turned out to be the best business decision I could have made – and also turned out to be an even bigger life lesson!

I’ll never forget the call from my husband, which also happened to be in the midst of crazy aka 18 hour workday season, his company offered him a job promotion to the West Coast.. Los Angeles to be exact. The only place in my heart that I felt like I could leave my home of 29 years for. My first reaction was, “OMG! our dreams have come true!” *screeching halt* “Wait, my BUSINESS, my CLIENTS, THE clients I have been working for the past 6+ years for, and now I have to leave what I have worked so hard for just like that?” I was devastated and anxious thinking about how I was going to have to “start over”. I immediately googled “relocating your photography business” and tons of articles came up. I read a few of the blogs and (not much to my surprise) it wasn’t really anything that I didn’t already know. When it comes to a photography business, or really any business for that matter, there are no shortcuts. There were many times I doubted I was doing the right thing, but I also knew I didn’t have much choice in the matter. This is my career, so I knew that ultimately I was going to do whatever it took to rebuild.


After growing up, then growing my business in the same city, I truly felt like I had the best clients a girl could possibly ask for. So as excited as I was to start our new adventure in LA, I also felt like I was going to be disappointing and letting down all the people that I had worked so hard on to gain their trust. I felt obligated to do something but I had no idea what, until one day… OK, I honestly can’t take ALL of the credit. I definitely chose right when I decided to marry a left-brained, entrepreneur at heart, hubby. One day he simply asked, “Why don’t you just look for another photographer to do what you do?” *insert face of shock* Of course my initial thought was there is NO WAY that could work. I thought, my clients are booking ME as their photographer. But what I didn’t realize is that while I was building my business, I was also building a brand. So a few days later (without any real expectations) I put an ad out for an assistant photographer position. I thought if I didn’t find someone, then oh well at least I can say I tried. In the back of my mind I may have even secretly hoped that would happen, but it wasn’t before long that I got THE email. She literally had everything I was looking for, as if she was sent from above (which I believe she was). 🙂 Morgan is a true gem, and she happened to be a seasoned photographer from California with the same credentials as I had, and her dream was to move to Texas! Now if that isn’t fate I honestly don’t know what is. As soon as I met her I knew she would be able to keep Clara Bella alive. So we took a leap of faith!

I announced that I was moving on my blog in My BIG announcement (oh yeah, which I have had to do twice now!), I introduced her on my website, I sent out an email blast, and I assured my beloved clients that while I was leaving, Clara Bella was here to stay. We are now going on our second year and Clara Bella Photography is currently operating in 2 locations – Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, and where I currently live, Palm Beach, Florida (I told you I had to announce it twice!!) and while it has been, and will continue to be a constant work in progress just like any business, I do believe Clara Bella is a bigger, stronger and more defined brand than ever because of it.


Hiring an associate photographer taught me several things that I needed to learn. Most importantly it taught me how to LET GO. As much of control freaks as I’m sure most of us are (I know it isn’t just me?!) probably the most valuable lesson I have learned is how to focus on the things that really matter, so that I can continue to do what it is I love. There is a quote that I came across that spoke to me, “You can do ANYTHING, but not EVERYTHING.” It’s actually really simple.. if you want to see your business grow, you’re going to have to let go of certain things. It doesn’t have to be about hiring an associate photographer. It could be hiring an accountant, outsourcing your editing, hiring someone to nail down your branding, or even hiring someone to help streamline your workflow. Whatever it is that you spend countless hours putting off, procrastinating with, getting frustrated over, or really whatever it is you just don’t want to do! Because believe it or not, there is someone out there who LOVES doing whatever that is! Wow, what a revelation and relief! Lord knows I am not a math person and I would rather pull my hair out than attempt to do my taxes. I remember handing my accountant a box full of receipts, and she actually referred to it as “FUN”, FUN?! Hey, to each their own!! Freeing up those activities will give you the time to focus on the things that really matter, such as marketing, going above and beyond for your clients, and of course doing what we love doing the most.. SHOOTING!


Claire Anderson
Clara Bella Photography


Topic Tuesday – {Associate Photographers}

  1. Doris says:

    I absolutely love her work!!!

heck, yes i do!

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