Resolutions…whether for business or your personal life, can be hard to stick to.  But today is the day we all start thinking ahead to the New Year and reflect on the past year.  It is a time of celebration for all we did in 2013 and a time of hope for what we can do in 2014!

In business, it is always a good idea to write down your goals.  Maybe you want to be better at the business side of things, keep better records, be more organized…I know I do!  Maybe you were super busy in 2013 and you want to balance that better in 2014.  Maybe you have a more specific goal or resolution like book x amount of seniors this year or partner with a specific local boutique.  Whatever your goals are, I want you to accomplish them in 2014!

This year, instead of looking back and only seeing what you didn’t do, focus on your accomplishments.  Sometimes it is hard to look at social media and see everyones’ highlight reel and feel a little bad.  It’s natural.  But instead of comparing yourself or focusing on a few things from your goal list last year that you may not have completed, look at all the things you did do.  Focus on those and use that positive energy to get yourself excited for the year to come!

Making a list or writing things in a journal is a great way to start off 2014!  For some reason, just by writing it down, I feel I can accomplish that goal.  It is a way to make it real, to help you stick to it and to remind you of what you are working toward.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you reflect on 2013 and look ahead to 2014.

Just remember, reflect on the positive and look ahead to what you can accomplish!  Be proud of what you have done in your business and be open to always learning and growing!  Here’s to a great 2014!

We would love to hear from you about what you accomplished or what your goals are for 2014!  Comment below and let’s start a conversation, support one another and help hold each other accountable for the New Year!!  Happy New Year Everyone!!

Topic Tuesday – {Business Resolutions}


heck, yes i do!

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